This post, which is completely tasteless and utterly unnecessary, has been created in honor of LivitLuvit's TMI Thursday series. I've back-dated it a bit so that it won't be the first thing that pops up - just in case my parents are sharing the link to this blog with their friends or something.
We can't live at the house we're building. For one thing, it doesn't have plumbing. We've been spending a small fortune at our favorite outhouse - the Starbucks up the street. As you can see from the photo above, Doug doesn't always bother to go to Starbucks. For him it's sometimes easier to just go in the bottle.
Along those same lines, look at what the tile people left outside our door one day. The contents of the box - what does that look like? Ha Ha Ha! Fooled you! Actually it fooled me the first time I saw it too. It's actually just a bunch of leftover brown grout.
On the other hand, one night I stopped by after a gig and Doug was still there working. I saw a Home Depot bag by the back door and thought he must have set what he had just purchased there while he fumbled with his key and then forgot about it. So I picked it up. It was still warm. OMG! It was disgusting. I guess Starbucks was closed already, but he could have gone to the MacDonalds. But he didn't. I didn't say anything to him about it. He leaves all kinds of shit lying around all over the place, but this time it was the real thing. The next morning that bag of you know what was still sitting there. I guess he forgot about it. I certainly didn't.
I am very relieved (get it?) that we now have a working toilet, so these little episodes will no longer be happening. Yaay!!!
OMG you just showed us his poop!
Those brown nuggets just made my stomach churn...
Thanks for playing, love! :-)
what the heck!! that's uh...
i am speechless. no, type-less. i'm typeless.
Eek - I had second thoughts about the last picture, so it's gone now. I guess I got a little too wrapped up in the TMI aspect of TMI Thursday.
Plus, I had just read a post by another blogger that included a couple of pictures of her dog's backyard poop, including a paper grocery bag full of the entire winter's leavings that she had scooped up from her back yard so that the people who mow her lawn wouldn't get grossed out. At least my bag-o-shit was enclosed!
Wait, just to reiterate - that wasn't my bag, but it was my picture. Anyway, sorry for the gross out.
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