Building a house and working on a masters degree do not make for an ideal combination of activities. When they offered me an assistantship last May I told Doug that I couldn't bail on the house - it would need to be finished before I'd go back to school, or take a cruise gig, or go on the road, or anything else that I'd rather be doing. But Doug told me I should take it because there was no way we wouldn't be back in the house by August (last August). I never learn, even though I always sense these things deep down inside.
Anyway, things slowed down a lot last fall because I wasn't over there cracking the whip as much. Doug neglected the outside of the house so we sitll have this nonsense on the back of our house, of which I am very tired.
Okay, enough nagging and griping. I'm just exhausted from taking 10 credits this semester and staying up until 3AM a couple nights each week just to get some painting done. But at least now I'm finished with my recital! As of last week. Next up is the big term paper.
Anyway, here are some pictures:

This is looking down into the basement from the piano room floor which Doug decided to tear out and do over because the floor was not level and it was also kind of bouncy - not a good subfloor situation for a grand piano. It took him a week to fix it and it feels very solid now.

Way back in the summer of 2007 Doug put a deposit on a very unusual looking piece of Cocoa Onyx. We have since learned that onyx is not a practical choice for a bathroom countertop. Next he had his eye on this piece of granite, from Brazil. Our cabinet door is there next to it. I thought hmm, well that's fun... I'll just leave it at that. It's kind of flashy but it would have looked nice with the aqua colored paint I had selected for the walls. Fortunately Doug decided that maybe it was just a little too wild and I was quite relieved when he selected a very tasteful brown and white marble instead. But then he decided that he'd rather have pink walls in there (I'm letting him "design" some aspects of the guest bathroom). So pink it is. The bathroom looks really good, but I haven't had my camera over there when the light's been right to take a picture of it.

This is why I hadn't posted any new pictures after we got our kitchen countertops installed. Not very photogenic, eh?

Our new refrigerator arrived yesterday. It sure is big and white. As you can see, there is an issue with the cabinets that will need to be solved soon. We also recently got our stair railing installed, which you can see in the background. It's really pretty and old-timey.

We'll be putting in subway tiles for the backsplash under the windows and the microwave. Other than that cabinet situation, things are looking good!
This week I painted the laundry room with the paint I had purchased for the guest bathroom before Doug decided he wanted to change it to pink. Anyway the laundry room now looks as good as the bathroom would have. I love the color. We got cabinets, a countertop, and a sink from Ikea for a really good price. It's a very elegant laundry room. The only things it lacks are a washer and dryer.
Tonight I painted the master bathroom. This is really weird but I decided that gray walls would look good in there. There's a lot of white tile and that keeps the gray from looking gloomy. It's very calm and old-fashioned looking. I'm really happy with the way it turned out.
Meanwhile Doug was downstairs painting the bathroom of his shop. I suggested that he use some leftover yellow paint we had. There was also a half a can of pink paint left over from the guest bathroom. So which color do you suppose he selected for his machine shop bathroom? He's so metro....
It looks great! Thanks for showing me what teal/turquoise cabinets actually look like. :) I really like the wall color with it as well...makes everything pop. What color are you doing the subway tiles in?
Thanks Laura - Originally I was trying to keep the color scheme super simple with just blue and white, but then I thought it would be fun to add the some other color. The yellow worked out well. There will be less of it when the white subway tile goes in. I recently decided that I'm going to go with a darker gray grout to bring out the shape of the tiles. The effect upstairs in the bathrooms turned out to be a little too subtle I think.
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